Wednesday, November 24, 2004


In celebration of the American Thanksgiving tomorrow, here's a video

Thursday, October 21, 2004


I seen this video a couple of weeks ago. I call it the "Dance Of The Unstarting ______ ". Fill in the blank with whatever you want, ie lawnmower, chainsaw or whatever has a pull start. I think it captures the essence of at least me and a few people I know caught in the same situation. They should show this to kids as a antidrug campaign.

The Saskatoon Rift

Today I watched the news. This is not unusual in itself, but I wanted to see the news article about the Saskatoon Rift as I think it should be called. The news article was not to thrilling as I thought it would be as the commercials made it to be, but I could care less! Anyways, it discuss a problem that I have known about for years. For those of of you that don't know, there is a illness in Saskatoon to an extent. I will define it for you. There is a river that divides Saskatoon, just about in the middle. One side is on the east side and one side is on the west. It's connected by a million bridges. Anyways, usually there is a definite not liking of each side by the other side. Myself, growing up in Saskatoon, generally I considered East side people to major snots who spoil their kids and are really arrogant rich bastards. Usually east siders seemed to have the mentality to think that the west side was basically no mans land. There was basically roving street gangs running around along with poverty everywhere for the eye to behold. There is a lot of people that I like the come from the "other" side. But living about 99.99% of my life in Saskatoon's west side, I can honestly say that I have had my share of east siders looking down on me. Needless to say I haven't helped to much by not liking the other side to much and being snotty too. But the mentality is there on both sides. I think there is a difference between both sides. Generally, the east side is a lot newer, neighborhoods, schools and has a lot of development. Also it has higher property values, keeping some of the riffraff out The west side has a lot of of poverty grouped into a few neighborhoods, more crime, older things such as schools, buildings and drugs. People tend to see what they want to see when they look to the other side of the river. I am no different. But I have to commend the city counsel for trying to deal with the issue head on, especially with the river development project.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Superman's Dead

Well, it might have a few day's delay, but I'll post it anyway's. I'm really saddened by the loss of a great person. The man was named Christopher Reeve. To me, he is the one that I will alway's think of when it comes to never giving up. This man fell off his horse in May of 1995, but he never stopped going. He opened up his own facility to teach people how to function when they were disabled. He also never stopped believing that he was going to be able to walk again. If this had ever happened to me, I am not sure if would be able to keep on going like Christopher did.

Anyway's, Chrisopher Reeve, I'm going to misss you

Monday, October 11, 2004


Well, have a Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Daylight Savings Time

Lately, I've been hearing lot's of talk again about Daylight Saving Time. In spring, time usually goes ahead an hour while in the fall, it goes back. Here in Saskatchewan, it stays the same year round. Interestingly enough, I found out a couple days ago, it was done till the sixties and was decided to stay on the same time year round. Anyways, there always seems to be a group of people that want to change it over again to Daylight Saving Time. Today it's the Auto Dealers Association. To me, it's pointless though. I think it works well. I think that there would be gotta be more incentive to do it besides making it possible to sell a few cars because there's daylight.


Holy man, I discovered the coolest website about a month ago.........and I still use it often. It's called and I think it's great. It has definitions for these word I hear people saying like "fo' shizzle my nizzle" and it has the definitions that people submitted. If you look hard enough, you could my voice on some of the definitions because there's a link to people saying the word. There's lot's of my voice and yes, I was really bored that night I did it and I wasnted to play with the mike I had picked up. I think it is really cool because I would hear this terminology that people would say, and in the context, it would not really make sense, but usually I understood what they were saying or were trying to say.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Lately, I' ve been noticing something more and more. I've noticed it seems like everybody and their dog has been going to Saskatoon to do their shopping. Alot of people seem to do this. It's nothing new to me though. I just think it is strange, thats all. Here in Prince Albert, I can understand. It's a smaller city, so obviously it is not going offer as much stores as someplace such as Saskatoon or any other bigger urban centre. It surprises me how far people will go to do some shopping. And it's not just here. I have a couple of friend in Regina that drive to Saskatoon to go shopping. If people are willing to drive that distance, it is somewhat weird in my books that there aren't people willing, if they are interested, to open up more services such as different franchises of stores and offer more of a variety of products. Someone could make a killing here if they knew what they were doing! I think that too, it is a gateway to the north. All of the people come from these northern communties in Saskatchewan, I think would have to pass through here to go anywhere else, so why not have an incentive to do their shopping here. I think that Prince Albert does a fair amount of businesss that way, but it has potential for more. But maybe it just me.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Tim Hortons

Well, I just finished reading the book about a Canadian icon. I read the book called "Tales from Under The Rim: The Marketing Of Tim Hortons" by Ron Buist. I found it very interesting. The part I liked the most is that it wasn't technical at all, it was told like a story somewhat. In the book, Ron talks about how he became involved in the Tim Horton's business and how Tim Horton's started out. Also, he wrote about the different contests particularly the "RRRRRRRRoll Up The Rim To Win" contest. I particularly enjoyed the part about the commercials and the stories about the making of them.
I think Tim Hortons has done well in a industry that when they started out, basicly the coffee and donut industry was barely alive when they started to a huge industry. Just from my experience, judging from the amount of cups I see people carrying around and in garbages and littered on the ground, I'd swear they were the only game in town. That's pretty good for a hockey player from the Maple Leafs who was looking for a restaurant to run when he retired.

Monday, August 09, 2004


Due to recent sightings of people and their Bloggers. I decided to start my own. I'm not sure what I'll put on this, but I'm sure I'll find something.