Saturday, September 16, 2006

Totally Funny

I was watching Youtube and thought this was hilarious.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

So....Okay...What's going down Man

So, anyway's, I have a question for everyone. What is the deal with Man I got about 20 hits from them on my meter. What's the deal?
I emphasis ?. I don't mind, but what the heck, why so many hits etc. I know it is a spider etc. I got that concept. Maybe it's just me. I don't update that often. Man, I have been in a whiny mood lately

It Only A Matter Of Time

Well, I finally decide to do something about it. I really wanted to find out if the United States had a equivalent of Cdn Money Tracker. Well, it's been in the back of my mind to check it out when I have a few minutes to investigate. Well I found it at . Good Old George, where is he nowadays. Well, I am suitably impressed, though their recommendations sucks, they should go to a.k.a. the better half. I get a kick to see what happens to money that gets through my meat hooks. Bye for now

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well, I sorta figured it out!

So anyway's, I decided to try out that Last Fm to see what it's like etc...just because I could. I finally found a spot to put it, at the bottom of the page. I figured I could use it to let people know what I'm listening too and just to see what I am listening too (it's not I like I couldn't tell with the numbers for the itunes play count) But I wanted to try to use it for the windows media player. Which I can't figure out to get it to pick up too. I find that I use both a fair amount. Both have some of the same features that I enjoy, Itunes is a lot going for it because it is less of a hassle sometimes to use. My cataloge is in one sheet on itunes, whereas in my music, I have to sort through the different catergories I put music into,(self induced I must admit) But the pain in the keister factor comes into play when I think I should put in most of the music into Itunes, except of course the bought music,(puretracks of course)
But enough of my ramblings now

Shave And A Hair Cut..... Two Bits

Well, I finally found out that the music notes I would hear ocasionally actually has a name. Wow, I must lead a sheltered life or something, I never knew that, it actually has some history too

Monday, September 04, 2006

Cool Stuff

Boy this is interesting reading. I like reading about norhern communities. Giving the stories of company towns etc is just another perspective. See it here. I find it so interesting to see how people live and what they do. Actually, I feel the internet is a wonderful resource to find out information and communicate with people that I would never know about. Three cheers for the net!!


Man, I can't believe this. People are actually sticking up for the guy. Which leads me to a serious question, which ones are the monsters. Man, that is stupid. I just wonder why people do this, His guilty verdict has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt several miles back, along with his pyschoness(is this a real word, who cares). Why bother, get rid of him